
Monday, November 25, 2013

Eng122: English Composition Ii

puerility Obesity C.W. Jones ENG122: English Composition II Dr. June 11, 2012 childhood Obesity Childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the get together States. One in three children is overweight and overweight children leads to a postgraduateer dowery of adults who will be overweight also. being overweight freighter lead to serious health problems (Wootan, 2012). feed additives and other preservatives argon the main cause of childhood obesity, surrender upon f atomic number 18s are cheaper, and the uses of food additives and preservatives have increase in fitting foods. The American lifestyle of eating low cost superior large calorie touch food is leading Americans down the passageway to obesity. Childrens diets are increasingly shifting to high calorie, additive loaded processed foods. These unshakable foods are nearly double the calorie intake of the recommended healthful diet. Foods that accounted for the biggest increase of consum ption by Americans were stimulating snacks, desserts, soft drinks, yield drinks, hamburgers, cheese burgers, Mexican food, and pizza in the study accounted for the days 1982 to 1998. The study also shows that these foods accounted for eighteen per centum of American diets in 1977-78. In 1994-95 the percentage increased to twenty dollar bill seven percent.
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These processed foods are high in calories and high in trans-fat. These processed foods have many chemicals (flavorings, colorings, preservatives, and trans fatty acids) that are meant to enhance the flavor, commute the color, change the texture, or change the taste. in that respect are currently ov! er 3000 food additives registered with the Food and medicate Administration (MacInnis, Rausser, 2005). biomedical studies show that processed foods in the physique of refined starches and pure sugars are energy-dense and found to be associated with an increased risk of obesity (MacInnis, Rausser, 2005, p. 1154). Americans are eating at nimble food restaurants more(prenominal) than ever. Americans spend almost half of their food allowances on eating...If you extremity to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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