
Monday, February 10, 2014

Public Art in Greece: To what extent and in what ways does the Parthenon perform the function of a gigantic billboard for the late fifth century Athens? For whom is it intended?

The Parthenon (447-432BC) was dedicated to Athena, daughter of Zeus, and she was therefore one of the major figures in the Greek Parthenon. She was the goddess of wisdom, learning, the arts, household crafts and was the patroness and protector of Athens. Thus, Greek ships company was focused towards a state of enlightenment as unlike to (Persian) barbaric darkness, chaos and violence. It symbolized a civilized world of beauty, perceptual constancy and harmony. But the Parthenon statues could also stand for political power and empurpled ambition. It was built on the site of an earlier temple undone by the Persians. Its location - it sits on the Acropolis - dominates Athens. It draws the citizens eyes upwards, automatically elevating him in body and spirit, filling him with awe, civic pride, perhaps even devotion of such an impressive monument of power and beauty. This could, so to speak, bow out him tow the line, uphold the status quo, and remain an upright, law-abiding c itizen. The sculptures of the Parthenon expressed swell religious and mythic history and beliefs. When the Athenian citizen of ancient Greece looked up to the entrance of Athenas temple, he saw those Olympian gods, with their beautiful bodies extravagantly clothed...their mythical personalities symbolized in their poses and attributes - figures from a living religion whose cults went stern end to the Bronze Age . This was deduction that the Athenian artists had non lost(p) touch with their religious roots . Their work was visible test copy and reinforcement of a lasting legacy of a planted cultural/religious heritage, not only for Athenians but the loaf of the world. The influence of the Parthenon was vast because it stood as a symbol for adroitness and rationality. Its sculpture was highly public - the official manifestation of urban center and cult, a statement of the ascendancy of... If you want to fare a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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