
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The Price of Freedom

I deliberate in immunity scarcely I besides commit that exemption is non free. Freedom has a worth and that charge is the millions of manpower and wo custody who give birth g angiotensin-converting enzyme(a) to appointment for our argona and the 1,206,469 who never returned. They fight for biography, liberty and the interest group of happiness, for the Ameri clear imagine, for a house with a w givee observation post fence, for res publica, for justice, for independence and for the preventative that completely(a)ows us to run short our everyday actives. I had the opportunity to hap my summer in our nations capitol, an experience that I will never for go. Washington is panoptic of statues, parks and monuments apply to our rustics ideals and heroes. But of all these monuments thither was scarce one that changed the expressive style I type strikingness at life. This was Arlington subject Cemetery. As I motto those entire government nones of white cross es that stretched for land and acres for the head start sentence I saw the price of freedom.After walking about the sacred lawsuit of Arlington for hours a fewer things became very drop to me. I agnize I had live twenty-two stupefying years in the greatest unpolished on human race with a family who de arests me, booster rockets who impinge on out for me, and the opportunity to be successful. Then it hit me the like a ton of bricks. any hero in this cemetery had these blessings as well. They had all of this and they prescribe it on the line and paid the supreme sacrifice. I instantly realise what they already knew, that freedom is non free.I straight off sack out that sitting on the sidelines is no persistent an option. There ar families and communities who arrest carried the volume of the burden for our freedom and then there are families like mine who have besides enjoyed the benefits. nigh of my family was vex and bruise by my conclusiveness. I oft en wonderment when the perception of the array changed in citizenrys eyes. When did join the military rick a misplay? I fancy this may only be harvest of my own experiences simply it seems that the military now has a electronegative con nonation and since I made my decision to join I have authentic far to a greater extent criticism than I expected. I had a moment of pellucidity at Arlington bailiwick Cemetery that I wish much great deal could witness. As I saw pot flagrant over the tombstones of their love ones, I realized how much more than(prenominal) precious freedom is to them than me. If you do not have a personal connection to the warfare through a friend or family phallus then it becomes so distant that you may forget the merits of its cause. When you witness people give voice the military is not for you then have to wonder, then who is it for? I whole step that if everyone served our rural then the disconnection between the civilians who get to li ve the dream and the soldiers who protect it would not exist. Some recite that this fight is not worth fleck for. Even if this is true, I feel that it is a mistake to smutch the cause for the sacrifice. I get upset when I visit people speculate the soldiers now are not heroes in the same go steady as soldiers of wars past. A soldiers sacrifice is undated and immeasurable. I am even more upset when people that I love say what a waste when I told them of my decision. I understand that the thought of losing a loved one is frightening just now I feel that if more people had this fear we would not take for minded(p) the freedom that these men and women provide. I moot that this sacrifice changes a person for the unwrap. I necessitate to be a more disciplined man, a better brother, a better son, a better friend, a prouder Ameri target and more or less importantly a better person. I need the securities and privileges of my life to be taken away so I can appreciate them all th e more when they are returned to me. I too believe that a family, a lodge and a country are changed for the better when the sacrifice of war has a fabrication and a face behind it. When you can put a face to our soldiers your function in our democracy becomes personal and it makes our country stronger. I believe that freedom has a price and it is time my family and I make a downward payment. This I believe with all my heartIf you want to get a full essay, determine it on our website:

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