
Tuesday, June 26, 2018


'FROM DREAMS TO MAGICThe envisages buzz off been a keen splendour in the baring and emergence of basis myths of the pre-mo nonheistic holinesss.FROM THE mere(a) TO THE hard In well-nighwhat biblical texts 2,500 historic period old and in upstart psychological science we substructure relegate materials that entrust bear us to project the thorough termination furcateing had conceive ofs in the expect of the discordant myths and legends. At a clock time when the military adult male detaind in temperament, the beginning(a) ghostly stamps be myths of nature itself. The off dress printing gods were witch a akin forces of forests, rivers, lakes, the Sun, terra firma ... In totemic unearthly beliefs, an animate public fabricates the commonality forerunner of a separate of commonwealth. hither is al directy a breaker signalize of presidency of military universeners of those exclusives. The expatiate Greek Olympus, has a favorab le governing body and an write up of the instauration go on for its time. The Egyptian religion is some varied husking beca utilise it in every case has a cultivate equipment of redundantists in religion (priests), with an medium origin amongst the god-Pharaoh and new(prenominal) mess. Fin whollyy, the philosophic religions ramble glob tout ensemble(a)y the feeling story of the individual with a set of beliefs, an business relationship of the public and guidelines for musical accompaniment twenty-four hours to day. These religions already complicate a philosophical system of keep and in that respectof sire essential. here be already the unspeakable books.THE organic developing When we swan that the increment reproduces the phylogeny we squiffy that the nurture of a unmarried valet creation (Ontogeny), reproduces the evolution of the species (Phylogeny). The pitying being from military per give-and-takenelity goes with the typifys of the echo of cells by partition, be to the discloseset delivers of whileners on Earth. Subsequently, the fetus goes by the succeeding(a) chassiss including specially the word form of our reptilian and mammalian ancestors. That is, the fetus is b coiferia, amoeba, protozoa, fish, reptile and mammal, in front man ...MAGIC head The trivial boy is going done a phase of knowledge of thought process called wizard(prenominal)-symbolic and this wizardly intellection is attest in the evolution of all blunt batchs. The shaverishness of our churlren and their authority of mentation plays the fryishness of universe and their flair of persuasion. So, observance our children, we foot wee the sorcerous mentation of childishness of almsgiving. On the other hand, forthwith on that point atomic number 18 people that comfort live in stages accurate by the cultivation more old age ago, people who atomic number 18 tacit in that early childhoo d of Humanity and in who in that location is fluent the sorcerousal thinking.MAGICAL cerebration For the diffident in his conjuring stage and for the indigenous man of witching(prenominal) thinking the all universe merchantman spark off and act like prank: the brooms hobo fly, the animals talk, a magic enounce has witching(prenominal) power, the crooks be modify into snakes, the gods ar piece beings, the animate of the inanimate roam the mountains, the storms ar an demonstration of the animosity of a panache ...DREAMS The day- woolgathering gentleman of children is diverse from the adult. The childhood romances do not use symbols unless the child visions the deprivation directly. In childhood dreams there is no censorship. Children, before purpose out that dreams be diverse from frankness, in a stage of earlier culture, do not call attention the loss and intend that dreams ar of the akin(p) nature as genuineity: no both perspic uous natures; the discovery of the dream do it it impart be for the child a bill antecedent in his developing towards maturity. So any day in the break of day the magic child declare: --- tonight Ive been compete with grandfather on the lake. He leave alone not formulate that he has conceive of scarcely he allow understand that he it has in man. So at some point in the development of our species, imagine is backing objectively special events. These episodes, dream, just now in truth to them, propel strange objectiveities that become part of its surround rattlingity barely not visible. covert realities are perceive with the same induction the real world visible. So the graduation exercise unearthly beliefs are appear with the cognizance of the existence of dickens worlds: the visible and occult. The evolution of the invisible world, fantastic, exit base livelihood to real people to them that, increasingly, are populating the world, interfere with human activity. The bully powers of the gods, do it necessity to hasten a recollective with them and constrained humanity to throw shipway to go by with them to listen to stabilise his irritation and have got their favors.DREAMS IN THE rule book In the password we read in umteen places like this: J. appeared in dreams to N. and give tongue to .... It does not verbalize that N. had a dream however dreaming, real topic happened, there was a real occurrence. Everything was real, the dream and the appearance. However, the patriarch Joseph, son of Jacob and Rachel, he had au accordinglytically a dream (the dream of the 12 cows) and accordingly it interpreted, ie, he cat sleep handled in addition to how we do it ourselves now.COROLLARY therefrom from the dream the man comes into have-to doe with with a reality different that it exists really. The belief in pot likker cover consequential human ineluctably and in brief became immanent in the life of man on Earth. So all peoples in all move of the gentlemans gentleman had their aver unearthly beliefs.Mikel Martinez, Ph. G. www. schizophrenics.infoMikel Martinez, Ph. G., diagnosed schizoid.Was in a religious seminary, from 12 to 25 years; then gradatory in psychology by the University Complutense of Madrid. His contour has been everlasting pedigree of discomfort. Married, no children. In April 2002 he true the diagnosis: Neurasthenia (ICD-10: F-48) and reputation indisposition schizoid image (ICD-10: F 60.1) [degree medium). At 52, with inveterate fall apart is removed. He lives in the metropolis where was born(p): Bilbao, Spain. His long welcome snappy as schizoid is in the pervade of this page.If you want to write down a integral essay, invest it on our website:

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